CSL Passenger: Amydara Kyrvana

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Amydara Kyrvana has been tagged as a person of interest. While nominally a librarian, as the history of Atour Riten indicates, even quiet individuals with access to information and the skill to deploy it may be significant players.

Amydara is currently employed at the Hanna Institute of Antiquities as Chief Librarian of Cartography. This is a recent elevation, and Amydara apparently makes much of her new classification of Librarian of the 3rd Rank, to the extent of wearing the privileged three stacked buns even off-duty (as comparison, novices are required to wear low ponytails in the Hanna Institute of Antiquities).

This individual may also appear familiar to you from her appearances in HoloNet public information films featuring items from the Hanna Institute’s collections such as the ceremonial mask of Krechic V, which was acquired from the New Republic museum of antiquities. 

A responsibility of Amydara’s current position is extending the Institute’s collection, which is also the reason given for her presence on the Halcyon’s 275th anniversary voyage. Amydara booked this voyage later than others, apparently taking advantage of cancellations made approximately three months ago. At multiple Institute fundraising events, Amydara has been reported as making comments both about her desire to acquire the planetary maps drawn by Ithorian artist Gammit Chond and expressing an intense dislike of the Graf Archives, whom she appears to conceive of as her competitors in collecting these items.

We suspect that Amydara may be making this voyage because she has received reports that these maps have shown up on Dok-Ondor’s list of available items.

As indicated by Amydara’s willingness to connect with a figure such as Dok-Ondor at Blackspire Outpost along with several incidents from her previous posts, she is an individual to keep under observation. In records from her time at the Port Haileep Library and the Queen’s Library on Naboo questions have been raised about a number of Amydara’s acquisitions – while their provenance is beyond suspicion, her acquisition methods are not. 

We suspect she is willing to take advantage of opportunities to add to the Institute’s collections, with few questions asked. This may be an important leverage point. 

Two further points of suspicion include her internship at the Dorismus Atheneum, where Atour Riten was employed, and her extraordinary luck in her multiple acquisition endeavors.

Her luck in these endeavors may give some truth to the rumor that prior to her embarking on a career of librarianship she studied with the Dagoyan Order on Bardotta, training with other force sensitives. As is known, the Dagoyan Order believes in using the Force for education and knowledge, which aligns with Amydara’s later dedication to her vocation as a librarian. 

Overall, Amydara’s loyalties have been difficult to determine other than she seems to believe that destruction of information is the greatest crime, followed only by sequestration of information. This is likely the reason for her enmity against the Graf Archives.

The final piece of information that drew our attention is that Amydara has also been reported as publicly and loudly bragging about her voyage on the Halcyon to all, sundry, and those not in the least interested, as a “celebration of a significant birthday.” This seems to us one reason too many for embarking on this voyage. The combination of these pieces of information, combined with her employment and acquisition records has elevated her to a “person of interest.”

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